Butternut Farm West

Butternut Farm East

Make a Donation!

Make a donation to the Butternut Farm Wildcat Sanctuary! Send checks or money orders to:
The Butternut Farm Wildcat Sanctuary
c/o Rick Armstrong
3159 S. County Line Road
Johnstown, Ohio 43031

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Butternut Farm Wildcat Sanctuary

The Butternut Farm Wildcat Sanctuary is a 501 c non-profit sanctuary that houses mountain lions, bobcats, lynx and servals, as well as a fox, pure wolf, and three kudamundis. There are also a few domestic cats. All of the animals here are non-releasable into the wild, and will spend their lives here at the sanctuary. Some of them were/are privately owned, some are rescues. They are all unreleasable into the wild, as they are declawed from private ownership, some have been abused/mistreated, and they have no way of fending for themselves having been around humans their entire lives. They are, however, still wild animals and can definitely cause some serious harm! They also have the capacity to show great love!

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